ASK OUT - I'm going to ask her out. - Vou convidá-la para sair comigo.
BREAK UP – Carlos broke up with Sally because she was too jealous of him. Carlos terminou com Sally porque ela tinha muito ciúmes dele.
CALL OFF - I'm going to call off my medical appointment because I feel much better now. - Vou cancelar minha consulta médica porque me sinto bem melhor agora.
CARRY OUT - The manager has an assistant to carry out general tasks like typing and answering the telephone. - O gerente tem um assistente para executar tarefas gerais tais como datilografia e atender o telefone.
CLEAN UP - Clean up your room, please. - Limpa e arruma teu quarto, por favor.
FIGURE OUT - The technician figured out the problem. - O técnico descobriu qual era o problema.
FILL IN - We need your phone number. Please fill it in on this form. - Precisamos do seu número de telefone. Favor colocá-lo neste formulário.
FIND OUT - The journalist found out that the politician was lying. - O jornalista descobriu que o político estava mentindo.
GET BACK - I want to get my money back. - Quero receber meu dinheiro de volta.
GET OUT - Get out of here! - Cai fora daqui!
KEEP OFF - Keep your hands off me! - Não me toque!
LET DOWN - Don't let me down. - Não me decepcione.
PUT OFF - I think I'll have to put off my dental appointment. - Acho que vou ter que cancelar minha hora marcada com o dentista.
PUT OUT - The firemen put out the fire. - Os bombeiros apagaram o fogo.
RUN OVER - He ran over my bicycle with his car. - Ele passou por cima da minha bicicleta com seu carro.
STAND UP - Her new boyfriend stood her up on their second date. - O novo namorado dela deu bolo (não apareceu) no segundo encontro deles.
TRY ON - She's going to try on the new dress. - Ela vai experimentar o vestido novo.
TURN ON - Mike turned on the gas heater. - O Mike ligou o aquecedor a gás.
TURN OFF - I turned the TV off and went to sleep. - Desliguei a televisão e fui dormir.
WORK OUT - I was unable to work out the crossword puzzle. - Não consegui resolver as palavras cruzadas.
EAT OUT - We don't have any food at home. Why don't we eat out? - Não temos nada de comida em casa. Que tal comermos fora?
GET ALONG - How are you getting along with your girlfriend? - Como é que você anda se dando com sua namorada?
GET UP - I usually get up early. - Eu normalmente levanto cedo.
GO BACK - Why don't you go back home? - Porque você não volta para casa?
GROW UP - He wants to be a doctor when he grows up. - Ele quer ser médico quando crescer.
SHOW UP - She waited for an hour but he never showed up for the date. - Ela esperou durante uma hora mas ele não apareceu para o encontro.
SHUT UP - Shut up and listen to me! - Cala boca e me escuta!
SIT DOWN - Sit down, please. - Sente-se, por favor.
TAKE OFF - The airplane will take off as soon as all the passengers are on board. - O avião vai decolar assim que todos os passageiros tiverem embarcado.
WORK OUT - From now on, instead of eating junk food, I'm going to work out at the gym. - A partir de agora, em vez de ficar comendo comida artificial, vou malhar na academia.
Traduza os “phasal verbs” nas frases abaixo:
1. Jonh, you have to clean up this mess immediately!
2. Susan had to call off the party because she got sick.
3. Maria broke up with Ricardo because he cheated on her.
4. Karina called the fireman to put out the fire.
5. Philip loves to work out in his free time.
6. Gilberto is in the hospital because a trunk ran over him.
7. Amanda loves to go shopping and try on lots of clothes.
8. Marisa is a nice girl, she gets along with everybody.
9. Marta is really sad because her boyfriend didn’t show up for the date.
10. Bruno doesn’t like to get up early.
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